Wednesday, June 15, 2011


A team on Stock-taking came on a mission to Ogun State MNRDP Desk office from 13th to 14th of June, 2011.
The team which was led by Dr. Adedeji Adejobi ( National Operation Officer) also comprised the following:
- Mr. Lateef Akande (Asst. Operation Officer)
- Mr. Yusuf ( Asst. M.& E. Officer)
- Mrs. Obe Ene ( Extension officer)
The Terms of Reference of the Team involved getting information on the following :
1.    Unsold produce from 2008 – 2010 still lying with the farmers or ADPs.
2.    Actual groups on ground (total/state)/interaction with group members.
-    Name of groups/individual farmer  & the quantity of produce;
-    Number of farmers/group;
-    Number of males;
-    Number of females;
3.    Location/sites and quantity of NERICA rice unsold (MT or KG).
4.    Price/kg or price/50kg bag of unmilled rice (paddy).
5.    Price/kg or price/50 kg bag of milled.
6.    Discussion/mode of operation on the revolving account.
7.    other relevant issue(s) at stake.
8i.    The operation of the Tractor, how many people are operating it, how many farm families have benefited,
    how many hectares cumulatively have been ploughed, how much charged for the use and how the funds have been managed
ii.    What are the success stories: how many households have their income increased, how many were able to pay school fees,
        how many built houses, how many bought cars, motorcycles, bicycles; how many were able to pay health bills,
          school fees, etc.
iii.    From the farmers’ perspectives, how has the project affected their livelihoods, what are the advantages they have
        by participating in the project, what are the difficulties and lapses observed.
iv.    The input distribution for 2009/2010 planting season: how much was sold, how much money expected from sales at
         50% subsidy, how much has been retrieved and how much outstanding from the farmers.
v.    Seed buyback. How much has been released to States in the last two planting seasons (2008/2009 & 2009/2010),
    how much sold back to farmers, how much in the store, why are they not sold, how much has been realized form the sales of seed.
vi.    Farmers and staff training: how many staff have benefited, how many farmers benefited, what are the themes of the
        training and how have these enhanced project implementation and benefits.
vii.    Technology transfer: how many technologies were extended to farmers (Names and numbers), how many of these are
    considered useful by the farmers.
viii.    Production support: how many farmers benefited from direct disbursement in terms of loan or credit, how many
    benefited from other supports (name them).
ix.    Any other relevant information as requested by the teams.

9.    How many Processors are involved
10     How many food vendors
10.    How many private investors have come into processing, marketing and utilization of Nerica Rice.
11.   Structure of the Market.
     Ii) Farmers involvement in direct marketing of Nerica
     iii) Prospect  of Nerica Rice
       The Team after collecting pertinent information from the Desk office, proceeded to the field to validate some of the
        information directly from the farmers.
       Farmers interviewed attested to the following facts,among others:
       1. MNRDP Project has benefited them immencesly- Some bought Cars, Motocycles,Build Houses, renovated houses, buy lands, e.t.c.
       2. Only one farmer, named Alhaja Owodunni still has an approximate of  2mt  of Nerica rice with her.
       3. There is market & prospect for Nerica Rice.
      A village King also promised to mobilize more farmers to plant Nerica Rice.

      The team also visited a Nerica Rice Farm ( Approx. 10ha) planted by Pastor Bode Adenekan.
     On the last day of the visit,which was on the 14th of June, 2011,after some office interractions and interrogations,
the team visited a marketing Firm, Ultimate Foods Nig. Ltd, located at Wasimi. The team members also interviewed the
 M.D. of the Firm, Mr. Israel, who showed the team his firm with a Dryer and Distoner. The M.D. attested to the prospect
and profitability of Nerica Rice Business, but with emphasis on the the need for intensive Sale Promoion and Publicity.
   A wrap up meeting was later held with  Mr.I.O.Phillips ( P.M, OGADEP) in his office.

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